eduGAIN Integration

Discovery Service Mechanism for SPs

When a service can be accessed by users from multiple organisations from multiple federations, it must ensure that the user can find and select their organisation so that they can authenticate during the login process. This process is called Identity Provider Discovery. There are multiple open-source implementations (Shibboleth Discovery Service) that allow a Service Provider to operate their own Discovery Service. Alternatively, the AAF provides a central discovery service.

There are two Discovery Service options, a local discovery mechanism or the central AAF Discovery Service.

Use a local Discovery Service

When using a local discovery service your SAML service provider software will generally provide you with the required data. It will extract the data from the Metadata which will include the MDUI extensions for enhanced discovery.

A local discovery service mechanism is the responsibility of the service provider.

Use the AAF Discovery Service

The AAF provides a central discovery service that can be utilized by any AAF service provider. It provides a discovery mechanism for both AAF IdPs and “all of eduGAIN” IdPs.

The URL for the “all of eduGAIN” IdPs is:

To update your Shibboleth Service Provider to use the “all of eduGAIN” discovery you need to modify the discoveryURL defined in the /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml file.

<SSO discoveryProtocol="SAMLDS"
                    SAML2 SAML1

After a restart of the Service provider, users will be taken to the “all of eduGAIN” discovery section of the AAF Central Discovery Service.

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7. Next Steps