Introduction to eduGAIN

Research and Scholarship Entity Category

What is R&S?

The Research and Scholarship (R&S) Entity Category establishes a baseline attribute set that all research-related IdPs and SPs agree to exchange. The R&S Entity Category is an initiative of the international Research and Education Federations (REFEDS) community.

Why does my service need to assert R&S?

If your service qualifies for R&S, we recommend that SPs request the AAF to assert R&S on the SP’s behalf. Service Providers asserting R&S can trust they will receive the attributes they need to authorise access. If an SP does not qualify for R&S they will need to develop an SP integration guide to distribute to international IdPs that want to use the service.

How do I assert R&S?

Asserting R&S means:

  • “I meet the requirements of the R&S category. I expect to receive attributes defined in the R&S specification from IdPs indicating they support R&S”

If an SP meets the R&S Registration Criteria then you can expect to receive these attributes from an IdP asserting R&S.

R&S Attribute Bundle

The R&S attribute bundle consists of the following data elements. “Affiliation” is optional.

# Element Definition Required?
1 shared user identifier The shared user identifier is a persistent, non-reassigned, non-targeted identifier defined to be either of the following:
1. eduPersonPrincipalName (if non-reassigned)
2. eduPersonPrincipalName + eduPersonTargetedID
2 person name Person name is defined as either (or both) of the following:
1. displayName
2. givenName + sn
3 email address Email address is defined as the mail attribute. YES
4 affiliation Affiliation is defined as the eduPersonScopedAffiliation attribute. NO

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