Rapid Connect Integration

Attribute Based Authorisation

Specific claims within the ID token can be utilised to make authorisation decisions within an application.

Below is an example of a decoded JWS for the user “John Doe” sent by Rapid Connect.

  "iat": 1516239022,
  "nbf": 1516239022,
  "exp": 1516242622,
  "jti": "f7e8b1b46b4b4b7d8f0f2b7f1b1b4b7d",
  "typ": "authnresponse",
  "https://aaf.edu.au/attributes": {
    "cn": "John Doe",
    "displayname": "John Doe",
    "surname": "Doe",
    "givenname": "John",
    "mail": "john.doe@someuni.edu.au",
    "organizationname": "Some University",
    "edupersonorcid": "0000-0000-0000-0000",
    "edupersonscopedaffiliation": "affiliate@hsww.wiz.edu.au",
    "edupersonprincipalname": "jdoe@hsww.wiz.edu.au",
    "edupersontargetedid": "https://someuni.edu.au!https://someuni.edu.au/some_connections/1!7bVg9m6p/JI3i/JZ76YCZ7k6pQJ="
  "iss": "https://someuni.edu.au",
  "aud": "https://someuni.edu.au/some_connections/1",
  "sub": "https://someuni.edu.au!https://someuni.edu.au/some_connections/1!7bVg9m6p/JI3i/JZ76YCZ7k6pQJ="

For a live example of attribute release for your institution, sign in to the AAF Rapid Connector App.

Attributes that can be utilised for authorisation are contained within the claim object https://aaf.edu.au/attributes of the JWS and include:

Attribute Name Notes on Usage
  • Used to authorise users based on their affiliation/s in their home organisation.
  • Should be used when the Service Provider does not need confirmation of the security domain of the user.
  • Should only be used when a Service Provider needs to communicate with the end user.
  • This may apply when an applicant needs to be informed whether their access to a research database has been granted or denied.
commonName Should only be used if a user's common name is necessary for a wiki or other collaboration platform.
displayName Should only be used if a user's preferred name is necessary for a wiki or other collaboration platform.

The claim organizationname should not be used for authorisation decisions.

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10. Next Steps