SAML Integration

Configure Shibboleth

For this demonstration, minor updates to the default installation are sufficient to demonstrate functionality. However, a deployer should thoroughly review the Shibboleth SP documentation and be sufficiently familiar with the configurable options and advanced functionality to ensure a secure deployment.

1 <ApplicationDefaults> Element

To be a SAML entity, an SP requires a globally unique entityID. This value permits IdPs to identify the SP and locate the SP’s service end-points in the Federation metadata. Likewise, the SP uses the IdP’s entityID value to identify and locate the IdP’s service end-points in the Federation metadata. Typically, including a service’s hostname in the entityID value ensures a globally unique value. Shibboleth is very configurable and can operate in a multi-domain environment. A web server may have several virtual hosts, and an application may span several physical hosts, all protected by one or more instances of Shibboleth.

Choose wisely! Once registered and in-use, any change to an entityID value disrupts a web service’s availability and breaks the targeted/persistent ID generation, so any changes are discouraged.

For Linux, edit the configuration file /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml, and for Windows locate the shibboleth2.xml file within the installation directory. Locate the ApplicationDefaults element. Update the default value forentityID, updating the placeholder value “”.

The REMOTE_USER setting is an environment variable which enables Shibboleth to pass the “authenticated username” to an application. The default values are sufficient for this demonstration, however deployers should only include those attributes which are the primary identifiers in the web application. Shibboleth is, to some extent, unique among SSO tools because it does not require that REMOTE_USER contains a value, even if a user has authenticated. Details on the configurable options within the <ApplicationDefaults> element are available here:

2 <Sessions> Element

The <Sessions> and its child <Handler> elements control SSO and provide core SAML functionality. Update the <Sessions> element settings with the following values.

<Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" relayState="cookie" 
     checkAddress="true" handlerSSL="true" cookieProps="https" 

Enabling these items contributes to the overall security of the web application, though the checkAddress setting will be a source of errors in a NAT or proxy environment. Replacing checkAddress with consistentAddress may reduce those issues, however, the best approach is to avoid combining a NAT or a proxy service with a web application protected by a Shibboleth SP. Read details on the <Sessions> element configurable options.

3 <StorageService> Element

The <StorageService> element configures the component used for persistent storage of information by the shibd daemon across requests, and in some cases, restart of the software. Update the <StorageService> with the following values.

    <StorageService type="Memory" id="memory" />
    <ReplayCache StorageService="memory" />
    <ArtifactMap StorageService="memory" />

Read the details on the <StorageService> element configurable options.

4 <SSO> Element

The <SSO> element enables and configures single sign-on and sets the choice of authentication protocols. The entityID configuration item sets the default IdP for user authentication. In a Federation, the use of the settings discoveryProtocol and discoveryURL provide access to a discovery service which offers a list of all the participating IdPs.

To configure the service to use the Federation, remove the entityID setting and value pair:


Update the discoveryURL configuration value so the <SSO> element has the following contents:


When connecting the service to the PRODUCTION Federation, use the following value instead:


Read the details on the <SSO> element configurable options.

5 <MetadataProvider> Element

The <MetadataProvider> element provides the core functionality which establishes the trust relationships with subscriber IdPs. Without metadata, SPs and IdPs will not be able to participate in the Federation, nor interact via the user browser agent.

The AAF collects the subscriber IdP and SP metadata and publishes aggregate metadata for IdPs and SPs to consume. The AAF signs both metadata documents with a common certificate and the metadata is periodically refreshed with a validity window. Without the aggregated metadata, each SP would need to independently obtain IdP metadata from each organisation with an IdP service to enable that organisation’s users access to the web application protected by the SP.

The aggregated metadata differs to the information available from the discovery service URL. For an SP, having an IdP’s metadata will provide access to users of the IdP as long as the IdP has a copy of the SP’s metadata, even if the IdP is not listed by the discovery service. The reverse is not possible.

Locate the <MetadataProvider> elements and identify, via the comments and type of equal to “XML”, the element which controls the remote supply of “signed metadata”. To enable this element, remove the enclosing comment delimiters <!-- and -->.

The AAF provides an MDQ (Metadata Query) metadata provider to obtain metadata. Replace the type=”XML” attribute value with the value “MDQ”.

Since this demonstration service will be available to the TEST Federation, replace the URL value with the TEST Federation MDQ endpoint:

If a service is production-ready, use the PRODUCTION Federation MDQ endpoint:

Replace the certificate setting value with the following string aaf-metadata-certificate.pem, and download the AAF signing certificate with the following command:

$> curl --output /etc/shibboleth/aaf-metadata-certificate.pem

PRODUCTION and TEST Metadata are signed by the same certificate.

The <MetadataProvider> element (to be used in the test Federation) should now have the same content as the following fragment:

        type="MDQ" id="mdq" ignoreTransport="true" cacheDirectory="metadata" baseUrl=""
    <MetadataFilter type="RequireValidUntil" maxValidityInterval="8640000" />
    <MetadataFilter type="Signature" certificate="aaf-metadata-certificate.pem" />

Though a standard Shibboleth SP install creates two certificate pairs, one for signing and one for encryption, the AAF Service Provider Registration Form only requests one public key certificate.

For a deployer, the choices available are to:

  1. add the other public key certificate to the FM once access is granted, or
  2. use the same key pairs for both functions within the SP configuration.

Pick an option and copy the public certificate for later use during the registration process.

Keep the private keys secure!

Details on the <MetadataProvider> elements configurable options are available here:

6 <Errors> Element

The <Errors> element controls the error handling of the SP in response to problems occurring during authentication and authorization processes. If an SP encounters an error during the SAML exchange, the <Errors> element will determine the response to the user. There are two types of error handling available in Shibboleth:

  • Template-based error handling
  • Redirection-based error handling
Template-based error handling

Template-based error handling is the default error handling method in Shibboleth. In this case, an error page is returned to the browser with a message that the SP has encountered an error. The error page is created using an HTML template that is populated dynamically with specific error information.

Templates can make use of tags such as requestURL, errorType, errorText, and entityID. For further tags refer to the Shibboleth documentation.

Customised error pages improve the user’s experience and can be created to suit the needs of the SP. Additional instructions on the error page can include:

  • Providing a link to the user to log in again
  • Redirecting the user to a different page
  • Providing a contact email address for the IdP’s service desk
  • Providing a link to the SP’s support page

An example of a customised error page is shown below:

Shibboleth Error Page

Redirection-based error handling

Redirection-based error handling is an alternative error handling method in Shibboleth. In this case, the browser is redirected to a designated location when an error occurs. The redirection URL contains a query string with information about the error. The query string can include the parameters referenced in the Shibboleth documentation.

For example, if an SP encounters an error, the browser is redirected to the URL specified in the redirectErrors of the <Errors> element:

<Errors supportContact=""
        redirectErrors="" />

The example URL below contains query parameters with information about the error:
  &errorText=SAML response contained an error.